Upcoming events:
Self-Doubt Be Damned: Strategies for Writers Battling Imposter Syndrome
Instructor: Author Mary Boone
October 21, 2023 1:00 to 3:00 PM
Writing is the very essence of vulnerability. You mine your thoughts and emotions for
words and you put them on paper to share with total strangers. No wonder so many of us find ourselves wondering: But am I good enough? Is my writing insightful? Will others read this and think I’m a fraud?
Whether you’ve written for a year or a lifetime, you’ve likely found yourself battling this phenomenon known as imposter syndrome. Sure, imposter syndrome can impact almost anyone in any field, but minorities, women, and creatives are especially susceptible.
This fast-paced, hands-on workshop will connect you with other creatives. Along the
way, you will learn:
- The four Ps of imposter syndrome.
- How letting self-doubt go unchecked can impact your writing and your life.
- To acknowledge goals, while celebrating abilities and accomplishments.
- To develop a healthy relationship with both criticism and praise
- Prompts and strategies to help you cope with and combat imposter syndrome.
Bring a notebook and pen. Leave with a boost of confidence and a jarful of affirmations to remind you that you really do have what it takes.
Past events:
Favorite Quotes: a "non-book-club" book club
Led by Clover Daydreams
Second Saturdays at 11am
July 8, 2023
August 12, 2023
What books are you reading and are most excited about? Pick a quote (or two) and come share your excitement at Favorite Quotes: a non-book-club book club!
Book clubs are intimidating. There's assigned reading, a deadline, and public discourse of your "opinion." Who has that kinda time and energy!? Let's provide spaces where we can be excited and feel safe to share our book interests. AND, these are great ways to find out about other cool new books!
ALSO: Don't feel pressured to have "a speech" prepared. If you want to just share the quote, we will make space to listen and sit with it.
Candle Pour Party
Led by Defiant Candle Company
July 22, 2023
Two sessions: 11am and 1pm
Grab a friend and come make your very own candle!
Each candle pouring party includes a 15 oz vessel of your choosing (that's almost a full pound of wax!) and a selection of fragrance oils to create a one-of-a-kind blend.
Our candles are made using all-natural U.S. grown soy wax, paraben & phthalate free fragrance oils and wooden wicks to ensure a high-quality product for our guests.

Hosted by the Puget Sound Correspondence Society
August 5, 2023
12:30 pm
RSVP with Puget Sound Correspondence Society
Notes from Purgatory: a creative journaling workshop for people contemplating menopause
Led by Sasha Davies, author of The Menopause Companion
Saturday August 12, 2023
2-3:30 pm
Through a mix of creative prompts and small group discussion, we’ll write and/or draw our way toward understanding who we are as our bodies change and who we hope to become.
Open to anyone contemplating or experiencing their transition to menopause. You don’t have to be a “writer” or an "artist" to attend! We will not be evaluating each other's work.
Inclusive Magical Worlds Book Club
hosted by Clover Daydreams
Every second Saturday
May 13th 2023, 11am
June 10 2023, 11am
This welcoming book club focuses on children's, teen, and young adult fantasy and sci-books with diverse characters, magical systems, and world building. Book Club kicks off May 13th with The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of her Own Making by Catherynne M. Valente.
RSVP and reading list at Clover Daydreams
About Clover:
Hi! My name is Clover (they/siya), a nerdy enby Pilipinx abuse survivor who finds solace in stories! Clover Daydreams is a name, but also an aspiration: to build a safe and inclusive book space in South Tacoma/Puyallup Territory that centers BIPOC, Queer, Trans, Disabled, and historically marginalized voices. As I work towards this brick-and-mortar dream space, I'm building connections with our community through stories. For now, you'll see me recommending exciting books on social media and popping up around Tacoma like a magical Scholastic book fair from our childhood.
Loose Leaf Musings with Julie Baldock
May 20th, 12-2pm
Join Tacoma writer Julie Baldock for a creative writing workshop, emphasis on creative!
This workshop will feature a variety of tea, paper, writing utensils, and prompts to allow participants to feel inspired and engaged in a creative and safe space. Sharing is encouraged!
$35 registration fee includes all supplies
Write Here with Liz Lamoreux
April 22, 2023 - 10-11:30 AM
NEW DATE: June 17, 2023 - 10-11:30 AM
Through prompts, community, and inspiration, Liz will provide a space where you will be encouraged to get the thoughts, hopes, worries, and dreams out of you and onto the page. Whether you have a writing practice, have always wanted to write, or are simply seeking a way to practice self-care, this class will provide a welcoming and affirming space. We will be a community of peers, and the focus will be on shared space rather than a space to workshop writing. That said, we will share pieces of our writing if desired.
Bring some paper, a favorite pen or two, and your open-hearted, curious, brave self. Liz will lead us through a check-in, a short writing exercise or two, and then a longer free writing exercise. Each week the prompts and shared writing ideas and inspiration will be different, yet the series will feel like a cohesive experience.
Tell It: an art journaling workshop
led by Liz Lamoreux
May 6-7 2023
This workshop is about gathering tools to help you tell your story through art journaling. We will begin to fill a journal with stories and secret dreams and the words you most need. We will explore collage, write, poem, take photos, play with watercolors, and even use my vintage typewriter. I will share peeks into my journals, give you lots of prompts to play with, and spill all my journaling secrets.
This workshop is also about paying attention and noticing the world around and within you. It’s about gathering in community with like-minded souls to connect and listen and hold space. It’s about playing and recharging as you put color and words and photos onto the page. It’s about dancing with the poet inside you, practicing listening to your inner wisdom, and opening your heart to what’s next in your world.
Lauda's first birthday party
March 18-19, 2023 - 11am-5pm
That's right, our little store is turning one! We can hardly believe it. We're celebrating with a storewide sale, popups from favorite local makers, and yummy beverages to share. Join us!
Meet our friends:
Arcady Goods - midcentury inspired stationery, handmade in Tacoma, WA.
Field Bar - my favorite spot in Tacoma for natural wine, damn fine cocktails, and seasonal food.
Ponderosa Creative - gorgeous hand quilted pouches for stationery, craft supplies, and more!
Toolbox Labs - community centered projects and activities for your creative inner child.
Write Here with Liz Lamoreux
March 11, 2023 - 10-11:30 AM - sold out
April 22, 2023 - 10-11:30 AM
NEW DATE: June 17, 2023 - 10-11:30 AM
Bring some paper, a favorite pen or two, and your open-hearted, curious, brave self. Liz will lead us through a check-in, a short writing exercise or two, and then a longer free writing exercise. Each week the prompts and shared writing ideas and inspiration will be different, yet the series will feel like a cohesive experience.
Puget Sound Correspondence Society
April 1, 2023
Follow PSCS on Instagram for details on this and future events.
Writing During Transitional Times with poet Julie Baldock
Sunday, November 13 2022. 7pm, in the classroom at Lauda.
Julie will be reading from her book, A Woman of a Certain Age, and we will be collectively responding to writing prompts that will allow us to consider transience and transition in our ever-changing world. Those willing to also share their writing will be given the space to do that as well.
Gratitude Zines with Angela Larsen of Lovesome Dove
Saturday November 19th, 2022. 1-3pm, in the classroom at Lauda
In this workshop we will go through the process of getting things out of minds (and bodies!) and into words and images through the creation of a zine. We will focus on gratitude and how we see it and appreciate it in our lives and create a keepsake zine to share or to hold in our own hearts. This practice will encourage confidence in creation, gratitude in our hearts, and the benefits of creating art in community.
Puget Sound Correspondence Society
Saturday September 24th, 1-4pm
Stationery Store Day
August 6th, 2022 - 11am-5pm
You've heard of Record Store Day, right? Well this is sort of the same idea - but for stationery stores! Come on out to support your local stationery stores and celebrate papers, pens, tapes, tools, and all the wonderful things that make our lives feel more fun, organized, and purposeful.
Lauda will be open regular hours 11am to 5pm, and we'll have gift bags for our first customers as well as a very exciting giveaway!
Write Here with Liz Lamoreux - June series
9:45-11 AM each Thursday in June, 2022
Bring some paper, a favorite pen or two, and your open-hearted, curious, brave self. Liz will lead us through a check-in, a short writing exercise or two, and then a longer free writing exercise. Each week the prompts and shared writing ideas and inspiration will be different, yet the series will feel like a cohesive experience.